Welcome to Optimum3 personal training. We provide expert personal training & nutritional advice which guarantees results. As personal trainers we love nothing more than seeing our clients looking, feeling and performing better in their day to day lives. How do we do it? Our ethos is simple…
Eat Well
Nutrition is a huge part of what we do. When it comes to looking and feeling great you need to be eating the right things and fuelling your body accordingly. Here at Optimum 3, our personal trainers have a cutting edge approach that works. It’s really easy to follow and you’ll have personal trainer support all of the way.
Move Well
The key to unlocking your body’s full potential is getting you moving functionally and freely. It’s not just about moving more, it’s also about moving better. We’ll take you through a postural & movement assessment then focus on technique/form whilst ensuring a good level of intensity to your sessions, so you’re in the best position to get the best results possible.
Our personal trainer expertise covers weight loss, fat loss, body transformation, improving performance, and strength & conditioning.
Live Well
Nobody’s routine and lifestyle is the same. Therefore, our personal trainers get to know our clients in depth and cater their training programmes and nutrition to suit their life. We are also here to help clients make the correct lifestyle choices and shake those bad habits. You will have personal trainer support outside of session time as well as during sessions to ensure we get the sensational results you’re aiming for.