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During our 15 years plus of personal training we have had the pleasure of achieving awesome results for people.

Each and every person has been unique with a variety of goals and different personal challenges. Many have come to us fearing they wouldn’t achieve their goals having tried for years and on the verge of giving up. Others have experienced chronic health issues or have been afraid to take the step of getting started.

At Optimum3 there are no trainer/practitioner egos, no judging. Just results.

Feel more confident

Feel happier
Improve self esteem

Feel healthier
Look & feel better


Amelia changed her life training with Optimum3…

“I had for a long time been very apprehensive of going to a personal trainer as I seemed to think I was more than capable of achieving my goals on my own and always expected it to be expensive and the thought of of exercising in front of someone really made me anxious and put me off other forms of training such as joining a gym.

After finding my weight not shifting for several months, despite me eating barely anything and exercising wherever I could, I decided to book an appointment with James for a consultation. I found that in the consultation James was extremely knowledgable and James considered all of my needs and goals and talked me through them one by one. We even found that issues I’d been having with tiredness and lack of energy was likely related to my diet.

I’ve been going to James for a few months now and I’d never go anywhere else. My tiredness and lack of energy has almost completely vanished – even with cutting out coffee from my diet! My heart rate has decreased massively. From and with the help of James, not only weighing me but taking my body fat percentage, I can see that even when the scales may say I’m the same weight I actually am losing size and body, which is incredible.

James always makes sure to make me feel comfortable and welcome at his gym and I never once have felt anxious or worried that I might be doing something wrong. James is extremely encouraging and I always leave there pumped for the week ahead.

In my first month I dropped from 34% body fat to 31%, dropped an inch in size around my hips and legs and have already reached my goal of dropping below 12 stone in weight.

I 1000% recommend Optimum3 Personal Training and feel that it not only helps with your weight loss, but with your personal wellbeing and mental health, as my mood has lifted dramatically since I started working with James.

Can’t wait for our next session!”

Amelia Carter

Emma’s fantastic 8 week transformation:

“Rewind 8 weeks and I was unmotivated, generally unhappy and stuck in a rut. I made the decision to look for a PT to give me the kick up the bottom I needed and I decided to begin training with James. From the start, James has encouraged me no end. I’ve now found, not a diet, but a new lifestyle. I have regained my love for food and cooking, encouraged by James’ long list of foods. The sessions have been fun and we are always laughing (further ab work). Not only have I managed to lose a stone in the 8 weeks and nearly 5% body fat, I’ve regained my love for exercise, food, and more importantly myself. Could not recommend more. James is more than just a generic PT, he’s a life saver.”

Emma S

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Adam changed his life training with Optimum3…

“I was unfit, puny, and seriously lacking motivation but finally decided to get my act together! Having never trained before, I felt slightly intimidated by the thought of finally getting myself in the gym. I met James for the first time and went through my goals, in this particular case to bulk up, tone up and generally increase my overall fitness. He understood exactly what I wanted and set up a personalised program for me, as well as giving me great nutritional advice that would help me reach my goals. Now about 9 months down the line, I’m in the gym four or five times a week, feeling great and really enjoying my training. James keeps the programs fresh so I don’t get bored of the same old exercises over and over, and really keeps me motivated if I’m having a tough week! Out of the gym, I get a post session review summarising the sessions and giving me areas of my technique that I need to work on, which really helps me get the most out of my training. James is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to fitness and health, if I have any queries he provides me with the answers. He also knows the topics I’m interested in and sends me articles which make for great lunch time reading! No matter what your goal, if you’re looking to get the most out of your training whilst enjoying it, James is the trainer for you.”

Adam Chatterton

Shanice lost 6 stone in 5 months training with James:

Shanice lost 6 stone in 5 months training with James, and her results were so amazing she was featured in the Hull Daily Mail & national Daily Mail! “At the moment, this is the best I’ve ever felt. Every day I wake up, I feel better than the day before. I even lost 1lb on holiday. You have to change your whole lifestyle. Now, I cook for myself all the time. Once I got my head around it, it’s the easiest thing I have ever done in my life. I feel like I have blinked and the six months has gone.

It’s changed my life completely. If I have children in the future, I will raise them to be active and healthy and cook meals from fresh. I don’t class myself as being on a diet any more. It’s my lifestyle and this is how I want to eat.”

“My trainer, James, has been amazing too and we have become good friends. I can’t thank him enough.”

Ryan’s success story:

“I had a lot of reservations before reaching out and asking for a taster session. James put me at ease. And I can’t just brush over that quickly. Feeling like you are in the right place cannot be faked; that is exactly what he does, and that is one of the most valuable things he does, in my opinion. I have learnt more about diet, exercise and well being in 4 weeks than an entire lifetime before. He is a rational, reasonable and genuine person who will inspire and motivate you as he did me. Thanks James.”

Ryan Swain

Lee’s Strength & Conditioning Success Story:

Great Gym well laid out and high standard of equipment, first class learning and training arena for all standards.
If it be 1-to-1 or groups highest standards always achieved.
Jack Daysley is my sons S&C coach and what a fantastic coach and mentor he really is, A great lad to have in the Gym. Loads of knowledge and a vast number of training techniques helped my son in preparing for the next step in his Rugby League pathway.
Nothing but praise for Jack and the Gym. Would give this Gym and Jack 100% thumbs up. If it be general keep fit or more intense 1-to-1 training for all sports. Jack and this Gym is the place to be.

Lee Markham

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Dominiqua got great results training with Optimum3 trainer Luke:

“I am a regular swimmer but wanted to mix up this exercise with something else but didn’t feel confident to enter the world of the gym equipment on my own so decided to book onto the Transform 8 program with Luke.

Luke is really experienced and knowledgeable in planning exactly what is going to work for an individual and in less than the full 8 weeks I felt fitter and leaner.  Even more importantly I felt stronger than I had for years.

Just in himself Luke is a great person to be around, motivational and good fun and I really enjoyed getting up early for an early morning training session!”


Aaron’s success story after years of searching for results:

“Like many people, I had spent far too many years managing my own fitness on the information available in fits and starts and had almost come to accept that I just wasn’t the type of person to get real results. I didn’t want to accept that anymore and James took that spark of determination and set a real fire that is now going from strength to strength. He took time to understand my goals, lifestyle and limitations and worked with me to build a real foundation of core strength and a bulking programme that delivers in the limited time that I have available. His commitment isn’t limited to my sessions either – he’s always on hand for advice, support and will design me extra sessions to take away when I want to achieve something extra. James dismantled many nutrition myths that had held me back and consistently pushes me to my personal limits.  How he knows what I am capable of more than I do and that is his real talent.

James manages the programme for maximum impact, so that I can concentrate on the results and I only wish that I had started training with him sooner.”

Aaron Smith

Callum’s success story training with Jack:

Excellent facilities, friendly members of staff who know what they are doing. Developing in depth plans, helping with nutrition and support to ensure you get the best possible outcome! I’ve been training with Jack for just over a month now and he is great, even with exercises that initially I struggled with he finds innovative ways to help me develop and improve the exercise so that I learn. Great place to train!
Callum Major
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Jack’s success story training with Luke:

“Couldn’t recommend Optimum 3 and Luke highly enough.  The whole relaxed environment puts you at ease from the very start.  The knowledge and encouragement Luke has shown from the start makes you actually look forward to training, rather than it been a chore.  The difference in fitness and strength that I have achieved because of Luke in 4 months from when I started has been amazing”
Jack Blanchard

Matthew’s success story:

“3 years living in hotels, working way too hard and not really interested in fitness had resulted in what I thought was an extra couple of pounds that I just couldn’t get rid of no matter what I tried. I realized it was time to really do something about it. James Brereton (Personal Trainer) was the answer. In 6 weeks James has improved my fitness no end and I am now looking forward to visiting the gym more regularly. The extra couple of pounds turned out to be 3 stone and the combination of core training and his food diaries has seen me dropping pounds by the day. It is the quickest, healthiest way I know of to guarantee the fitness you’ve always wanted.

The effects of training with James and the fitness improvement and continued weight loss that came with it have enhanced every aspect of my life…I can’t recommend him highly enough.

Not to mention he has you motivated 100% and his sessions are personally rewarding and fun.


Matthew Horrocks

Ashley’s success story:

“I couldn’t recommend Luke and the team at Optimum 3 more highly! As someone who often feels uncomfortable in standard gyms I find it a fantastic, encouraging environment that has really helped with achieving my goals through tough but enjoyable sessions.  I have built up my strength and fitness levels hugely from my first session and I’m delighted with the progress I have made”.
Ashley Melbourne

Paula’s success story:

“When I started training with James my goal was to become healthier. I wanted to lose weight and James got me doing exactly that with the use of some enjoyable training programs and unique nutritional advice that was specific to me. I was new to training and going to the gym but through the support James has given me I now love it! In 3 weeks I lost a stone and a half and lost 3 inches off my waist. I feel great!”

Paula West

Lee’s success story training with Luke:

“Luke is a great and knowledgeable coach and I couldn’t recommend him and the team at Optimum 3 more highly.  The sessions here are hard but fun and I come away feeling like I have achieved something.  Since starting, the difference in my strength and fitness have been great and I am really happy with the progress I have made here.”
Lee Blanchard
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Shaun’s success story training with James:

“Having used personal trainers for many years in an effort to maintain a good standard of health and fitness, I started using James during the past twelve months and have been delighted with his knowledge and practicle support. James is genuinely interested in helping to achieve his clients goals and is constantly looking to update his own offering whilst maintianing a competitive pricing structure for the services provided.”

Shaun Chatterton

Chris’ success story:

“I was 28 years old when i decided to take up fitness training. I gave myself a target of two years to get into the best shape of my life, initially I started to train on my own in my garage but soon realised that I was getting nowhere, a friend of mine had recommended using a personal trainer and suggested James at Optimum3 as they’d had good success with him in the past. I called James and he was very positive about my plans and welcoming upon meeting him. After the consultation, which was free I might add, James promised me that if I stuck to the plan my goals would be achieved not in 2 years but in a matter of weeks…….and I did it! James uses innovative training techniques alongside his superb nutritional knowledge to get you results fast, it was the best thing I ever did and would recommend him to anyone that is looking to get in shape.”

Chris Burling

Jackie’s success story:

“I had 2 reasons for starting to train with James. The first was I returned from a holiday feeling heavy and uncomfortable and needed to do something about it! The second was I knew I needed to get stronger. My mom narrowly avoided back surgery for a disc prolapse and I knew the only way to protect myself from the same fate was to develop strong muscles to protect my spine. I trained twice a week and followed James’ nutritional advice. I shed the pounds I wanted to and then just carried on getting stronger and stronger till I could squat my own body weight! James told me I would but I never believed him and would never have done it without him. He motivates and encourages you and most of all… makes it fun!”

Jackie Cowie

Jess’s success story:

“I am a runner, I am completely addicted to it but what I had found, after 3 years that I had reached a plateau and having been able to eat whatever I liked was no longer an option and the weight was creeping on.

When I first started with James he showed me his kick start nutritional plan known as the elimination plan. This basically knocks out all of the starchy refined carbs, caffeine and alcohol for 1 month and provides an energy efficient eating programme which brings you back to life.

I now see James twice per month and he gives me a new programme every two weeks so it never gets boring. I didn’t want to join a gym and wanted a fitness programme which I could do at home which I could incorporate with my running. James offers a huge variety of exercises to strengthen, tone and slim the body down.

My body now feels and looks completely different. My shape is changing and even certain parts of me that I had resigned to needing surgery one day have lifted and improved.

James himself is a really nice guy. There is none of the army major stuff with him. Instead he offers support and encouragement and I get the impression he is genuinely interested in my wellbeing.

If you are sat here now thinking, ok I will do something about my weight and un-healthy lifestyle some day, don’t wait. Do it now, I can promise you your life will be improved with James Brereton.”

Jess Clark

Ben’s success story:

“Training with James was great, I didn’t know what to expect and had all kinds of stereotypes of personal trainers in my head. James was nothing like any of them, sessions were geared around my fitness and improving it, everything was manageable – it felt like hard work but it was all achievable, after a couple of weeks I really noticed my general fitness improving, and when we checked the weight was falling off too. All I can say is that if you’ve not tried training with James then give it a go. It absolutely works!”

Ben O’Leary

Steph’s success story:

“A love of good food and wine and a sedentary job led me to James, and thank goodness it did. I started by having 2 sessions each week. Boredom and lack of variety is where I always failed at the gym previously but James keeps your interest by mixing up the sessions, so you’re always doing something new and it doesn’t get repetitive.

We talked a lot about nutrition and I started the elimination diet, although I have a good understanding of what’s good for you  and what isn’t, it helped reiterate what I needed to be fuelling my body with. Within the first 6 weeks I had lost 6 pounds, was terrifically toned and had comfortably dropped a dress size.

Inspired by the sessions I have changed my lifestyle and I am a lot more active in general, but I still visit James once a week, lifting weights helps keep me fit, strong and toned.”

Steph Taylor

Rob’s success story:

“James has not only helped me achieve results, his advice and support has provided me with an all round service that I would not hesitate in recommending to anybody motivated in reaching their goals. His friendly approach provides an excellent environment alongside his extensive knowledge it really is a pleasure to spend time in the gym, words I honestly thought would never leave my mouth!”

Rob Daysley

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Annie achieved life changing results training with Optimum3:

Results in just under 3 months.

10kg weight loss

6.9% Body fat reduction

8 cm hip reduction

12.5cm waist reduction

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David’s success story & results training with Optimum3:

I was someone who liked to think they knew their way around our gym, I have been working out for over 15 years in various forms. I always maintained a decent shape but nothing ever really changed. However, as a busy professional with a hectic schedule and plenty of travel I felt like I had lost my way a bit and I wanted to get back on track. Working with Optimum 3 has helped take things to the next level, I have learnt new exercises and techniques and utilised different styles of training such as strength, endurance and HIIT. Having James there by your side as you go on the improvement journey helps so much, it is great to be able to talk about nutrition or aspects of training to work on. I have done both virtual training with James and face to face in the gym prior to the lockdown and both are absolutely fantastic. I would recommend Optimum 3 to anyone who wants to achieve results regardless of what they are. It really helps having someone who is genuinely there for you and wants to see you succeed.

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Neil’s awesome results training with Optimum3:

Neil has put a great deal of effort in to his training sessions and nutrition with the guidance of Optimum3 and has set some seriously solid foundations for the next stage in his results/goals.