Here at Optimum 3 we are a massive fan of foam rolling!
Not sure what it is but would like to know a bit more? Well we’ll let you in on it.
The technical term for foam rolling is ‘Self Myofascial Release’. The basis of which is to manipulate the muscle fibres back to their natural, most functional state. So if you feel tight or have a knot in a muscle the foam roll is for you. It’s great for increasing flexibility and also in assisting the body to move as it should and how it wants to.
Great areas to work on are the Calf, Quads, Hamstrings, IT Band (outside thigh), Adductors (inside thigh), Piri Formis, Upper and Lower back, and Lats. It can feel uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean you should stop, it very much highlights the need to keep foam rolling to enable those muscles to feel better.
The foam roll is becoming more and more popular and as a Personal Training team encouraging people to move properly and utilise the body, we are glad. You can purchase them for a minimal fee from places like eBay or Amazon. We would strongly recommend having one in the home.
If you would like a copy of our FREE Optimum3 Personal Training foam rolling guide simply drop us an email at
Move Well
James & the Optimum3 Team
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