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5 Reasons To Have a Personal Trainer

By January 14th, 2019Movement & Fitness, Lifestyle, Nutrition

So you may be thinking of investing in a Personal Trainer. But you might be unsure what you’re getting for your money. One thing you may have done is compare the cost of personal training with the cost of a gym membership for example. While this is a natural thought process, it isn’t a like for like comparison based on service for service.

When considering which route you’re going to take there are some things you should ask yourself: 1. Will I stick to the approach I’m choosing and is it sustainable? 2. Will I get the results I’m looking for? 3. Will I enjoy it? If the answer is yes, fantastic, the option your choosing could well be the one for you. If the answer to any of those questions is no then you know the chances are low of you getting what you want out of it. Equally, if you’ve tried a certain approach before and didn’t stick to it, what makes it work this time?

Thinking about personal training and investing in a personal trainer, lets take a look at 5 reasons to have one. For any cynic reading this, these reasons/benefits have come from what our clients tell us.

1. Motivation – some of our clients train with us because they know they won’t do it off their own back. They’re motivated for change but they want/need support with that. They know they have an appointment with one of our trainers, someone waiting for them, someone equally committed to achieving their goals. They have also made a financial investment in themselves.

2. Direction – how many of us have walked in to a gym not knowing really what to do? Hand up here. We weren’t always qualified personal trainers and have been there too. You walk in the gym, you get on a piece of cardio equipment, you don’t know how long you should do. You then wander round and have a go on a few bits of equipment that are available. After a few weeks you have been working hard in the gym but haven’t really seen the results you are aiming for.

People train with us for direction with their training. We as personal trainers take the guess work out and give you peace of mind you’re doing what you should be doing in the gym. People train with us and are able to utilise their gym membership to full effect if they have one. It’s important to note, you don’t need a gym membership to train at Optimum3 but some people choose to have both and train at their gym too.

3. Nutritional support – this can be the most difficult part for a lot of people. We have over 10 years personal training experience and have dedicated hours upon hours of personal & professional development studying nutrition and continually moving forward to give our clients the best service possible. Nutrition is the biggest percentage of the game when it comes to your goals and results. We debunk some pretty terrible myths as well as supporting you 7 days a week outside of session time. You receive an individual in depth approach to your nutrition plan that is simple to follow.

4. Enjoyment – who said fitness, exercise & eating healthy has to be boring? We’re here to enable you to enjoy your training sessions. Sure, the sessions can be tough going but anything worth having doesn’t tend to come super easy. You have to work at it and be committed but for sure you can enjoy it along the way too. We’re a super friendly team with you being our sole focus.

5. Results – this encompasses the 4 points above. The biggest thing you want is the results? You want to look better, you want to feel better. You want to be able to go out feeling confident, you want to have better energy levels and improved health. When you see any approach to those goals as an investment in yourself and your health things start to look a bit clearer. Whatever the approach it has to be effective right? Right. At Optimum3 we excel at getting results for our clients. Don’t just take our word for it, you can head over to our results page and hear what our clients think. People train with us because they’ve tried so many different things and on the verge of giving up, frustrated and disappointed. Some people train with us and they’re starting out on their journey to achieve their goals.

We focus on you as an individual and we give you the knowledge and tools you need to sustain life changing results. As well, as mentioned, keeping you motivated, energised and enjoying doing what you’re doing.

If you’re still unsure whether to have a personal trainer, no problem. We offer a free 30 minute no obligation consultation. Come and chat through your goals, have a look at the personal training facility and see if it’s the right fit for you. We don’t do hard sells, it has to be right for you, no pressure.

You can email to arrange your free consultation.

Eat Well. Move Well. Live Well.

James & the Optimum3 Team

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