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You and YOUR nutrition

By June 4th, 2015Health, Nutrition

Ok, so in our last blog we touched on the subject of abdominal exercises, and one thing that needs to be considered above all else, your diet!

We talked about finding what works for you, that what works for a friend or family member doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. With this in mind we’re going to take a look at how we go about finding the foods that work for you as an individual.
There are some really simple principles:

  • Detox & Cleanse your digestive System by eliminating foods that have a history of creating intolerances or just aren’t that healthy in the first place

  • Re-introduce foods to allow your body to let you know what it likes and doesn’t like

  • Gain nutritional balance – Carbohydrate, Protein & Fat ratios

  • Create nutritional sustainability, making it a lifestyle choice and ditching the yo yo dieting

So how do we Detox & Cleanse?

For the first 14 days taking out foods that are known to create intolerances or just aren’t that healthy in the first place is the main rule. Certain foods such as wheat & gluten, dairy (especially cows), specific fruits that contain a lot of sugar, beverages such as tea, coffee & alcohol, as well as a few others. This allows your body to process and get rid of toxins within the body that aren’t conducive to optimum health but more specifically a functional digestive system.

Once we’ve cleaned up over a 14 day period, we move onto phase two, re-introducing foods.

This is a really interesting part of the process where we pay real attention to how we feel after eating foods we’re re-introducing, and makes it unique to YOU. We’re looking for negative and positive reactions/feelings. So some negative reactions may be feeling bloated, headaches, lethargy and low energy levels, feeling pretty tired soon after eating. These feelings tend to indicate that something isn’t working for you, whether it be a certain food or an imbalance in your carbohydrate-protein-fat ratios, we’ll talk more about this in a moment. Positive reactions can be feeling full & satisfied after eating, good level of energy, or clear mental focus.

Ok, so let’s take a look at gaining YOUR Nutritional balance. What I we mean by this is getting our ratios of carbohydrates, protein, and fat right. This works differently from one individual to another, and takes a look at your metabolic type. It is a strong belief that we need all three in our diet. For example, I am more of a protein type which means I function productively on a day to day basis with more protein in my diet to carbohydrates. So an example ratio I like is 35% protein, 30% fat, and 35% non-starchy carbohydrates, and starchy carbohydrates making up a percentage of this, but must be matched to exercise & energy requirements. Starchy carbohydrates need to be earned. FAT I hear you say? That’s a whole new story that will appear in our blogs very soon, but for now all I’ll say is we’re pro eating GOOD Fats!

This ratio is an integral part to sorting your nutrition out and getting you firing on all cylinders. If you don’t take care of your ratios and finding what works it can significantly hinder your success of reaching the goals and targets you’re aiming for!

Another major principle is: making it sustainable! We do this by making key lifestyle changes. Our principles aren’t centred a round diets that don’t work or diets that assist you in yo-yoing, with eat what you like but calorie count this and point score that rules. We say, with the whole foods we recommend, eat until your satisfied. There is no calorie counting, going hungry, or weighing foods. We keep it simple and easy to follow!

Through the nutritional principles we’ve discussed you’re able to have peace of mind day to day that food works for YOU without needing to look for ‘quick fix’ alternatives, as well as starting to look and feel amazing!

If you want to know more or have any questions please feel free to contact us using the details on the website.

All the best in health & fitness


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