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What We’ve Been Up To

By November 19th, 2018Health, Movement & Fitness, Nutrition

It’s January and all the New Year New You shenanigans are in full flow. Here at Optimum3 HQ we’ve been a little quiet so we thought we’d let you in on what we’ve been up to in the last few weeks of 2017 and first 3 weeks of 2018.

Firstly, as some of you may have read, Optimum3 Personal Training is moving to new premises which means there’s a new expanded personal training gym coming to Hull City Centre. A gym designed solely for people wanting to train with a trainer in a quality, non judgemental environment centred around you, with some of the best equipment in the industry carefully selected.

As well as sessions with existing clients and new comers, this has taken up pretty much all of our spare time.

Once we had found the right premises, in the right location at the right price, the initial stages were entering in to negotiations to get the right deal for everyone involved. This can be time consuming but obviously essential. After a few emails toing and froing we reached a deal that was agreeable to all parties, which then meant full steam ahead to the legal stages of forming the lease and applying for change of use etc.

Well, I don’t know about anyone else but this whole process was a new experience for me. I have been a personal trainer for 9 years but these processes for acquiring new premises has definitely been an eye opener as to what’s involved. The change of use application is in full swing but boy were there plenty of documents required for that to be processed. Flood risk assessments with road and property elevations, site maps showing north, existing and proposed floor plans, as well as an in depth application form of course.

The legal process was a very smooth one I’m happy to report. After selling and buying a house a couple of years ago we had reservations over the speed in which we would complete on the legal side of things. Thankfully we chose wisely and our solicitor was happy to speed things along and really did make his best efforts to get the lease over the line.

So we signed and completed the lease on Friday and we are able to collect the keys from the estate agent. So what’s next?

We have a fit out to do. We’ll be having a couple of site meetings with my builder Andy and his team to determine the plan for the fit out. The fit out will include installation of some very nice looking shower and changing facilities, a treatment room for use by a practitioner qualified in things such as, but not limited to, physiotherapy, sports injury rehab, massage etc., as well as of course the installation of the gym itself. We have the equipment to order, gym flooring to install (which will include a great grass track for some great conditioning exercises), new lighting and the list goes on. Andy has been an amazing support in the planning of the gym and has naturally grasped our vision for it. His ideas and flexibility on what we can achieve is genuinely unbelievable. He’s gone out of his way with meetings and site visits early on Sunday mornings, not getting annoyed with me when I text him at 10 o clock at night with ideas and just generally giving me a ‘nothing is impossible’ outlook.

One thing is for sure, we are extremely excited about the expansion of Optimum3 Personal Training and cannot wait to show you the gym when it’s finished. We’ve always aimed for high quality personal training in Hull and this takes us to a whole new level.

Head over to our New Gym and Boot Camp pages for a sneak peak at some things we have planned.

We look forward to seeing you at Optimum3 Personal Training in the near future.

Eat Well. Move Well. Live Well.


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